Tuesday, April 14, 2020

class 7 On Equality Important terms

Dear students of class 7
Do the following in your notebook


Technical Terms and Their Simple Explanation :
  1. Agitation :1.Public discussion for or against something thought of as distirct from others.

  2. Ceases : To bring or come to an end.

  3. Cipher :A secret code, something written in code.

  4. Civil Rights Movement :A movement that began in USA in 1950s in which African-American people demanded rights and an end to racial discrimination.

  5. Constitution :This is a document that lays down the basic rules and regulations for people and
    the government in the country to follow.

  6. Cornerstone :A crucial or indispensable part; a basis.

  7. Dalit :It is a term which so called lower castes use to address themselves. It mean ‘broken’. 
  8. Devoid :  Free from it, lacking it or empty of it.

  9. Dignity :This refers to thinking of oneself and other persons as worthy of respect.

  10. Discrimination :Unjustifiably different treatment given to different people or groups.

    Race : Any of the major divisions of humankind distinguished by a particular set of
    physical characteristics.

  11. Reluctant :Unwilling or not wanting to do something.

  12. Violated :To treat with disrespect/to disturb or disrupt.

  13. Universal adult franchise This is a very important aspect of democratic societies. It means that all adult
    (those who are 18 and above) citizens have the right to vote irrespective of their social or economic backgrounds.

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